What patterns are explicit to certain communities?

How do we create a deeper understanding of place and identity through pattern investigations?

What are the processes used to identify, document, and analyze regional patterns?


patterns of place 

This website is dedicated to sharing the Patterns of Place research project. In the fall of 2018, professors Sara Reed and Emily Smith received a VCUarts Dean’s Exploratory Research Grant to develop Patterns of Place, an interdisciplinary research project that investigates methodologies of study used to examine regional and vernacular patterns. Since then, the project has evolved to include multiple phases.

What do we mean by pattern?
Pattern in this project is being defined as an independent motif or a series of repeated motifs. Pattern can be defined in many ways and project participants were encouraged to explore.

  • interior or exterior built environments - architecture, hardscaping, furniture, textiles, interior accessories

  • nature - flora, landscapes, fauna 

Why do we consider pattern research to be valuable?
We believe pattern research offers an opportunity to explore the intentional and unintentional ways in which our built environment expresses local, regional and global values.
